Course details

My course provides a place for you to view course details of all your enrolled courses. In My course, you can view course details, academic document, payment details, and award details. To view course details, click My course on the left navigation pane, and then refer to the instructions below.

The My course page.

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View course details

1.   On the My course page, you can see all courses with different statuses that you have been enrolled in.

2.   Locate the course that you want to view and click the course card.

3.   On the Course details page, you can see modules of all semesters/terms in the course. Each semester/term is a separate tab.

View module details

The Module details page.

1.   In Course details, locate the module that you want to view, and then click the module name.

2.   On the Module details page, you can see the module information, timetabling & attendance information, and assessment information.

*Note: If you want to download the attendance records for more information, you can click Download in the upper-right corner of the Timetabling & attendance information section.

View academic documents

In Academic document, you can see all academic documents that you have obtained for the course in the following tabs: Certificates and E-transcript/Statement of result.

The Academic document page.

1.   In the Certificates tab, you can see your obtained certificates for the course.

2.   Locate the certificate that you want to view, and then click the certificate name to download the certificate.

3.   In the E-transcript/Statement of result tab, you can see your obtained e-transcript/statement of result for the course.

4.   Locate the e-transcript/statement of result that you want to view, and then click the e-transcript/statement of result name to download the e-transcript/statement of result.

View payment details

In Payment details, you can view the billing information of the course. If the course has outstanding fees, you can see a reminder message and complete the payment by clicking Pay. The payment items are listed in different tabs and grouped by terms.

The Payment details page.

View award details

In Award details, you can view all awards for the course that you have applied for or issued to you. You can also click the name of an award to view more details.

The Award details page.