When you find a course that you are interested in, you can register interest to tag it. Interested courses will be located under Interested courses tab on All courses page for your quick reference. If you are not interested in a specific course anymore and do not want to receive its notifications, you can deregister the interest and remove it from your interest list.
Refer to the following sections on how to register and deregister your interest.
To tag a course as interested, locate the course that you are interested in, and then refer to the instructions below.
1. Click the
register interest () button in
the lower-right corner of the course card.
2. The Interested in the course window will appear. Click OK to confirm.
3. You can now find this course in the Interested courses tab on the All courses page.
To remove a course from your interest list and stop receiving its notifications, complete the steps below:
1. Find the interested course by searching it or locate it in the Interested courses tab.
2. Click the remove
from interest list button () in
the lower-right corner of the course card.
3. The Remove from interest list window will appear. Click OK to confirm. The course will be removed from the interest list and you will not receive notifications of the course application.