Instructions for lecturers to setup Teams with students

Follow the steps below to setup Teams:

1.   In Microsoft Teams, click Join or create a team.

Join or create a team.

2.   In Join or create a team, click Create team.

Select create team.

3.   Select Professional Learning Community (PLC), Staff, or Other.

Select a team type.

4.   Enter your team name and click Next.

Create team.

5.   Add your team members, you do not need to include the students in this step.

Add team members.

6.   Click to expand the action list.

Team action list.

7.   Click Add channel.

Add channel.

8.   Select Shared - People you choose from your org or other orgs have access in the Privacy setting.

Create channel and manage privacy.

*Note: If you do not see the shared channel option, clear your Microsoft Teams cache. For detailed instructions, refer to Clear Microsoft Teams cache.

9.   Enter the student IDs, for example:

Enter student ID.

10. Upon clicking Share, the following interface will appear.

Share with the student.

11. Click Share and click Close once finished.

Share and close.

12. To check the members, click to expand the action list for the shared channel.

Expand the channel action list.

13. Click Manage channel.

Manage channel.

14. You can view and check the student in Members.

Check channel members.